As well as working in our laboratories, we can conduct tests in the field or at clients’ premises.
If you’re not sure what tests you need, or if you would like some help to interpret a particular standard, please contact us. Our consultants will be happy to discuss your requirements and offer advice. We can also work with you to devise test procedures that meet your needs if none currently exist.

Our services include:
- sound power determination using sound pressure level methods (ISO 3741, ISO 3745, ISO 7779, ECMA-74)
- sound power determination using sound intensity methods (ISO 9614-1 and ISO 9614-2)
- measurement of transmission loss and sound reduction index (ISO 10140)
- measurement of sound absorption (ISO 354, ASTM E1050, ISO 10534)
- high-intensity fatigue testing (MIL-STD-810, BS 3G 100)
- noise and vibration tests to Defence Standard 08-123/NES 1004
- qualitative and quantitative measurements on microphones, loudspeakers and audio equipment
- qualification of passenger public address systems in aircraft (Civil Aviation Authority Specification 15)
- measurements of sound levels and noise exposures from radio earpieces and communications headsets
- measurements of sound levels from headphones and earphones used with portable music players (EN 50332-1; and EN 50332-2)
- measurements of the insertion loss of hearing protection and flying helmets (ANSI/ASA S12.42-2010)
- ultrasound measurements