We have collected together here a number of useful documents from ISVR Consulting and other sources, paper and web.
Note that all copyrights remain with the original authors or publishers. These documents are made available here within the copyright terms published by the individuals and organizations concerned. The symbol ↗ shows a link to an external site, such as the University of Southampton Institutional Repository ↗ or a publisher’s site. Some journals permit an author’s accepted manuscript, but not the journal’s formatted version, to be placed on an author’s website. Where we have linked to an accepted manuscript instead this is indicated in the list. These accepted manuscripts are made available under the Creative Commons Attribution Non-commercial No Derivatives licence (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0) ↗ unless otherwise stated.
We have only listed papers that are freely available online. We have not yet listed papers that are behind a pay wall or which require a journal subscription, but have included links to abstracts on web pages if these are publicly available.
We have used Adobe’s pdf format to retain the original layout of journal papers, articles, reports and conference proceedings. Unfortunately the small screens of mobile phones are not ‘pdf friendly’.
We will be adding further documents to the collection. Currently the following are available, in approximate order of publication with the most recent papers at the top:
Papers from ISVR Consulting authors or co-authors:
*Authors from ISVR Consulting at the time of publication are marked with an asterisk.
- Railway rolling noise in curved tracks: Dynamic modelling of the wheelset and influence of the curve. V.T. Andrés, J. Martínez-Casas, F.D. Denia, D.J. Thompson*, S. Bruni. Journal of Sound and Vibration Volume 595, 20 January 2025, 118738, doi.org/10.1016/j.jsv.2024.118738. (CC BY 4.0 ↗).
- Modelling the una-corda effect in pianos. ↗ Pablo Miranda Valiente, Giacomo Squicciarini, David Thompson*, David O. Norris and Cesar Hernandez. XIVth International Conference on Recent Advances in Structural Dynamics. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2909 (2024) 012036. IOP Publishing doi:10.1088/1742-6596/2909/1/012036. (CC BY 4.0 ↗).
- The Influence of Wheel/Rail Contact Conditions on Curve Squeal Noise: Experimental and Numerical Investigation. ↗ F. Castellini, L. Faccini, S. Alfi, E. Di Gialleonardo, R. Corradi, G. Squicciarini and D. Thompson*. Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Railway Technology: Research, Development and Maintenance, Sept 2024. Edited by: J. Pombo. Civil-Comp Conferences, Volume 7, Paper 13.9. Civil-Comp Press, Edinburgh, United Kingdom, 2024 ISSN: 2753-3239, doi: 10.4203/ccc.7.13.9.
- The effect of bogie side components on the aerodynamic noise generation of the leading car of a high-speed train. He Y, Thompson D*, Hu Z. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part F: Journal of Rail and Rapid Transit. 2024;0(0). doi:10.1177/09544097241307059 (CC BY 4.0 ↗).
- Methods for separating the noise produced by the wheels and track during a train pass-by. David Thompson*, Dong Zhao, Giacomo Squicciarini, Martin Toward*, Ester Cierco, Erwin Jansen and Michael Dittrich. Railway Engineering Science, doi: 10.1007/s40534-024-00359-z. October 2024. (CC BY 4.0 ↗).
- Integration of a hybrid vibration prediction model for railways into noise mapping software: methodology, assumptions and demonstration. Pieter Reumers, Geert Degrande, Geert Lombaert,· David J. Thompson*, Evangelos Ntotsios*, Pascal Bouvet, Brice Nélain and Andreas Nuber. Railway Engineering Science. DOI: 10.1007/s40534-024-00346-4. Published online September 2024. (CC BY 4.0 ↗).
- Aeroacoustic analysis of flow induced resonance in a gas pipeline. Erika Quaranta*, Malcolm Smith* and Steven Taggart. Proceedings of Inter-noise 2024, Nantes, France 25-29 August 2024.
- Numerical approach for the simulation of flow-induced noise around a structure with complex geometry: High-speed train bogie in a cavity ↗ Yuan He, David Thompson*, and Zhiwei Hu. International Journal of Fluid Engineering 1, 033102 (2024), DOI: 10.1063/5.0212760 (CC BY 4.0 ↗)
- Ground-borne noise and vibration: classification of railway vehicles based on a track-independent vehicle indicator ↗ E. Ntotsios*, D Thompson*, P Reumers, B Nélain, G Degrande and P Bouvet. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2647 (2024) 202005. (pdf 1.3 MB) (CC BY 4.0 DEED ↗)
- Influence of soundboard modelling approaches on piano string vibration. ↗ Pablo Miranda Valiente, Giacomo Squicciarini and David J Thompson*. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 155(5) 3213-3232. May 2024. DOI:10.1121/10.0025925.
- Simplified prediction models for acoustic installation effects of train-mounted equipment. David Thompson*, Dong Zhao and Giacomo Squicciarini. Railway Engineering Science. Published online 09 April 2024. DOI: 10.1007/s40534-024-00333-9. (CC BY 4.0 ↗)
- Effects of rotation on the rolling noise radiated by wheelsets in high-speed railways. Christopher Knuth, Giacomo Squicciarini, David Thompson* and Luis Baeza. Journal of Sound and Vibration 572, 3 March 2024, 118180, DOI: 10.1016/j.jsv.2023.118180. (CC BY 4.0 ↗)
- A track-independent vehicle indicator for ground-borne noise and vibration emission classification. E. Ntotsios*, D.J. Thompson*, P. Reumers, G. Degrande, P. Bouvet, and B. Nélain. Transportation Geotechnics, Journal Pre-proof. Available online 19 February 2024. (CC BY 4.0 ↗)
- The influence of reflections from the train body and the ground on the sound radiation from a railway rail. (Accepted manuscript) D.J.Thompson*, D. Zhao, E. Ntiotsis*, G. Squicciarini, E. Cierco and E. Jansen. Railway Sciences, January 2024 https://doi.org/10.1108/RS-11-2023-0041 (CC-BY-4.0 pdf download available ↗)
- Obtaining input terms for railway noise for use in strategic noise models. D. Lurcock*, M. Toward*, D. Thompson*. Acoustics 2023, Winchester, 16-17 October 2023.
- Refurbishment of the anechoic chamber at the University of Southampton. D. Lurcock*, J. Fithyan*. Acoustics 2023, Winchester, 16-17 October 2023.
- A pile–soil interaction model for ground-borne vibration problems based on the singular boundary method. (Abstract only, html) K.F. Conto, R. Arcos, A. Clot, E. Ntotsios*, H. Liravi, A. Colaço and D.J. Thompson. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 568, (2024), 118057. (doi:10.1016/j.jsv2023.118057) ↗
- Acoustic scattering from spherical shells and its active control. Stephen Elliott, Mihai Orita, Erika Quaranta*, Jordan Cheer. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 568, 118056. (doi:10.1016/j.jsv.2023.118056) ↗.
- Broadband active sound control system with selective virtual sensing. Stephen Elliott, Yoav Vered and Laurence Wilmshurst*. Forum Acusticum 2023. 10th Convention of the European Acoustics Association, 3607-3610, Turin, Italy, September 2023 (DOI: 10.61782/fa.2023.0153) (CC BY 3.0 Deed pdf 975 KB) ↗.
- VR demonstration of railway noise mitigation using auralised train pass-bys. R. Pieren, F. Georgiou, G. Squicciarini, K. Heutschi and D. Thompson*. Forum Acusticum 2023. 10th Convention of the European Acoustics Association, 5629-5635, Turin, Italy, September 2023 (DOI: 10.61782/fa.2023.0025) (CC BY 3.0 Deed pdf 4.7 MB) ↗.
- Ground-borne noise and vibration: classification of railway vehicles based on a track-independent vehicle indicator. E. Ntotsios*, D. Thompson, P. Reumers, B. Nélain, G. Degrande and P. Bouvet. XII International Conference on Structural Dynamics, 2-5 July 2023, Delft Netherlands (EURODYN2023). (CC-BY-4.0 pdf 784 KB ↗)
- Demonstration and validation of a hybrid vibration prediction tool for railway induced vibration. P. Reumers, G. Lombaert, G. Degrande, E. Ntotsios*, D. Thompson, B. Nélain, S. Barcet, P. Bouvet, B. Fröhling and A. Number. Railway Engineering-2023, Edinburgh, 13-15 June 2023 (pdf 712 KB ↗)
- The influence of a building on the ground-borne vibration from railways in its vicinity (Accepted manuscript) Xiangyu Qu, David Thompson, Evangelos Ntotsios* and Giacomo Squicciarini, pp 595–603 in Noise and Vibration Mitigation for Rail Transportation Systems: 14th International Workshop on Railway Noise, 7-9 Dec 2022, Shanghai, China. (pdf 468 kB ↗)
- A hybrid prediction tool for railway induced vibration. (Accepted manuscript) Pascal Bouvet, Brice Nelain, David Thompson, Evangelos Ntotsios*, Andreas Nuber, Bernd Fröhling, Pieter Reumers, Fakhraddin Seyfaddini, Geertrui Herremans, Geert Lombaert and Geert Degrande. pp 683–691in Noise and Vibration Mitigation for Rail Transportation Systems: 14th International Workshop on Railway Noise, 7-9 Dec 2022, Shanghai, China. (pdf 985 kB ↗)
- Relationship between train horn sound levels tested at 25 m and sound levels experienced at distance by track workers. (Accepted Manuscript)
Martin Toward*, Marcus Wiseman*, Michael Lower* and David Thompson. pp 141-148 in Noise and Vibration Mitigation for Rail Transportation Systems: 14th International Workshop on Railway Noise, 7-9 Dec 2022, Shanghai, China. Springer, Singapore. DOI: 10.1007/978-981-99-7852-6_12 (pdf 1.18 MB ↗) - The influence of the vehicle body on the sound radiation from the rail. D. Zhao, D. Thompson, E. Ntotsios*, E. Cierco and E. Jansen. pp 377-385 in Noise and Vibration Mitigation for Rail Transportation Systems: 14th International Workshop on Railway Noise, 7-9 Dec 2022, Shanghai, China. Springer, DOI: 10.1007/978-981-99-7852-6_35 Singapore.(pdf 985 kB ↗)
- Noise sensitivity analysis of a two-stage baseplate fastening system. (Accepted Manuscript) Evangelos Ntotsios*, Boniface Samwel Hima, David Thompson, Giacomo Squicciarini and David Herron. pp 387–395 in Noise and Vibration Mitigation for Rail Transportation Systems: 14th International Workshop on Railway Noise, 7-9 Dec 2022, Shanghai, China. Springer, Singapore. DOI: 10.1007/978-981-99-7852-6_36 (pdf 660 kB ↗)
- The development of a hybrid prediction tool for railway induced vibration. Pascal Bouvet, Brice Nélain, David Thompson, Evangelos Ntotsios*, Andreas Nuber, Bernd Fröhling, Fakhraddin Seyfaddini, Geertrui Herremans, Pieter Reumers, Geert Lombaert and Geert Degrande. International Conference on Noise and Vibration Engineering, Leuven, Belgium. 12 – 14 Sep 2022. 15 pp (pdf 743 kB ↗)
- Soil vibration and auralisation software tools for application in railways. Pascal Bouvet, Brice Nelain, David Thompson, Evangelos Ntotsios*, Reto Pieren, Geert Degrand, Geert Lombaert, Fakhraddin Seyfaddini, Andreas Nubers and Marta Garcia. 13th World Congress on Railway Research, Birmingham, United Kingdom. 06 – 10 Jun 2022. 6 pp (pdf 650 kB ↗)
- Prediction of rolling noise from ballast and slab track at speeds up to 360 km/h. Oliver Bewes, Gennaro Sica, Martin Toward*, David Thompson. 13th World Congress on Railway Research, Birmingham, United Kingdom. 06 – 10 Jun 2022. 6 pp (pdf 375 kB ↗)
- Sound propagation and audibility of train horns. Martin Toward*, Michael Lower*, Marcus Wiseman*, David Thompson and Paul Ferraby. Proceedings of Inter-noise 2022, 21-24 August 2022, Glasgow. (pdf 1077 kB)
- Prediction methodology and assessment of low frequency noise break-in for a science building. Christos Karatsovis* and Erika Quaranta*. Proceedings of Inter-noise 2022, 21-24 August 2022, Glasgow. (pdf 633 kB)
- The influence of model assumptions in a hybrid prediction tool for railway induced vibration. D. Thompson, E. Ntotsios*, P. Bouvet, B. Nélain, B. Sylvain, A. Nuber, B. Fröhling, P. Reumers, F. Seyfaddini, G Herremans, G Lombaert, and G. Degrande, Proceedings of Inter-noise 2022 21-24 August 2022. (pdf 872 kB)
- Valve noise at high pressure ratios. Erika Quaranta* and Malcolm Smith*. Proceedings of Inter-noise 2022, 21-24 August 2022, Glasgow. (pdf 937 kB)
- The influence of the modes of surrounding buildings on the ground vibration from railways. Xiangyu Qu, David Thompson, Evangelos Ntotsios*, Giacomo Squicciarini Proceedings of Inter-noise 2022, 21-24 August 2022, Glasgow. (pdf 966 kB)
- Sources of variability in metro train-induced vibration. (Accepted manuscript) Xiangyu Qu, David Thompson, Meng Ma, Minghang Li and Evangelos Ntotsios*. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part F: Journal of Rail and Rapid Transit. (doi: 10.1177/09544097221118456) (pdf 728 kB ↗)
- Improving strategic noise mapping of railway noise in Europe: Refining CNOSSOS-EU calculations using TWINS. Siddharth Venkataraman, Romain Rumpler, Siv Leth, Martin Toward*, Tohmmy Bustad. Science of the Total Environment, 839, 156216, 2022 (pdf 1821 KB).
- Active control of acoustic scattering from a passively optimised spherical shell. Stephen Elliott, Mihai Orita, Erika Quaranta* and Jordan Cheer. Proceedings of Inter-noise 2022, 21-24 August 2022, Glasgow. (pdf 498 KB)
- Specification and design of silencers for control of low frequency noise from an environmental test facility. Malcolm Smith* and Erika Quaranta*. Acoustics 2021. Proceedings of the Institute of Acoustics, Vol 43, Pt 1, 2021. (pdf 765 KB)
- Design of axial flow fans for reduced noise and improved efficiency. Erika Quaranta* and Malcolm Smith*. Paper 2481, Proceedings of Inter-noise 2021, 1-4 August 2021, Online and in Washington DC, USA. (pdf 3.0 MB)
- Control of low frequency noise from an environmental test facility. Erika Quaranta* and Malcolm Smith*. Paper 2421, Proceedings of Inter-noise 2021, 1-4 August 2021, Online and in Washington DC, USA (pdf 970 KB).
- The effect of wearing an anti-flash hood on the noise attenuation of earmuffs. Gurmail Paddan, Institute of Naval Medicine and Michael Lower*, ISVR Consulting. Industrial Health, 59(4), 204 – 219, 2021. (pdf 2.4 MB) (Open access under CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 ↗).
- Aerodynamic noise of high-speed train pantographs: Comparisons between field measurements and an updated component-based prediction model (Accepted manuscript.) ↗ Xiaowan Liu, Jin Zhang, David Thompson, Eduardo Latorre Iglesias, Giacomo Squicciarini, Zhiwei Hu, Martin Toward*, Daniel Lurcock*. Published in Applied Acoustics, 175, [107791] (doi:10.1016/j.apacoust.2020.107791).
- Measurements of the high frequency dynamic stiffness of railway ballast and subgrade. (Accepted manuscript). ↗ X Zhang1, D Thompson, H Jeong, M Toward*, D Herron, C Jones, N Vincent. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 468, [115081]. (doi:10.1016/j.jsv.2019.115081).
- Attenuation of airborne noise by wet and dry neoprene diving hoods. Gurmail Paddan, Institute of Naval Medicine and Michael Lower*, ISVR Consulting. Underwater Technology 38(1), 3-12, March 2021. doi:10.3723/ut.38.003 (pdf 2.8 MB).
- The influence of track design on rolling noise from trams. (Accepted manuscript.) Wenjing Sun, David Thompson, Martin Toward*, Marcus Wiseman*, Evangelos Ntotsias, Stephen Byrne. Published in Applied Acoustics, 170 (2020). (doi: 10.1016/j.apacoust.2020.107536).
- Modelling of vibration and noise behaviour of embedded tram tracks using a wavenumber domain method (Accepted manuscript.)↗ Wenjing Sun, David Thompson, Martin Toward*, Zhaoran Zenga. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 481, [115446]. (doi:10.1016/j.jsv.2020.115446).
- The shadow effect on the ground surface due to vibration transmission from a railway tunnel. (Authors’ manuscript) ↗ Qiyun Jin, David J Thompson, Daniel E J Lurcock*, Evangelos Ntotsios. Paper accepted for publication in Transportation Geotechnics, 10 February 2020.
DOI: 10.1016/j.trgeo.2020.100335. - Applications of Active Noise Control. ↗ Malcolm Smith*, Simon Roberts* and Piotr Golacki* of ISVR Consulting. Video of the Powerpoint presentation given by Malcolm Smith at the Institute of Acoustics workshop on Low-Noise Design, September 2019 (approx 19 minutes from Vimeo).
- The vibro-acoustic behaviour of infinite homogeneous and composite rods: application to distributed optical-fibre acoustic-sensors. Piotr Golacki*, ISVR Consulting and David Thompson, ISVR. Acoustics 2019. Proceedings of the Institute of Acoustics, 41(1), 2019 (pdf 450 kB).
- An engineering model for the prediction of the sound radiation from a railway track. (Accepted manuscript) ↗ Xianying Zhang, David Thompson, Erika Quaranta*, Giacomo Squicciarini. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 461, [114921]. (doi:10.1016/j.jsv.2019.114921).
- Conceptual design and optimisation of silencers. Simon Roberts*, Erika Quaranta* and Malcolm Smith*. (Abstract of a presentation to the Institute of Acoustics one-day meeting on ‘Noise and vibration control in sustainable engineering design’ on Thursday 8th November 2018 at the Novotel, Southampton, UK.) (pdf 65 kB).
- Acoustic design of lightweight cabin walls for cruise ships. Malcolm Smith*, ISVR Consulting, and Tom Royle, Wizz Consultancy Ltd. (Abstract of a presentation to the Institute of Acoustics one-day meeting on ‘Noise and vibration control in sustainable engineering design’ on Thursday 8th November 2018 at the Novotel, Southampton, UK.) (pdf 68 kB).
- A model of a discretely supported railway track based on a 2.5D finite element approach. (Accepted manuscript) ↗ X Zhang, D J Thompson, Q Li, D Kostovasilis, M Toward*, G Squicciarini, and J Ryue, (2019) Journal of Sound and Vibration, 438, 153-174. (doi:10.1016/j.jsv.2018.09.026) (pdf 1542 KB).
- A 2.5D finite element and boundary element model for the ground vibration from trains in tunnels and validation using measurement data Author’s accepted manuscript. ↗ Qiyun Jin, David J Thompson, Daniel E J Lurcock*, Martin G R Toward*, Evangelos Ntotsios. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 422, 373-389. (doi:10.1016/j.jsv.2018.02.019).
- Sound levels and exposures from a high velocity rifle (pdf version). Mike Lower* and Gurmail Paddan. Presentation given at the IOA Southern Branch Conference, 18 October 2017 in Southampton. Note: the pdf version does not replay audio clips. To replay audio clips you will need to download the Powerpoint version, and have Powerpoint or a free Powerpoint viewer ↗ installed. [Presentation based on Factors affecting sound exposure from firing an SA80 high-velocity rifle (accepted manuscript, open-access version). G S Paddan and M C Lower, as published in Applied Acoustics Volume 109, August 2016, Pages 61–68. doi:10.1016/j.apacoust.2016.02.003 ↗
- A new empirical prediction approach for groundborne vibration in buildings. Daniel Lurcock* and David Thompson. Paper #1277T10 SS4, 24th International Congress on Sound and Vibration (ICSV24), London, 23-27 July 2017 (pdf 890 KB).
- Vibration modelling and performance evaluation of specialist buildings: a designer’s approach. Christos Karatsovis* and Malcolm Smith*, Paper #208T14 SS4, 24th International Congress on Sound and Vibration (ICSV24), London, 23-27 July 2017 (pdf 500 kB)
- Component-based model to predict aerodynamic noise from high-speed train pantographs. (Accepted manuscript) ↗ E. Latorre Iglesias, D.J. Thompson, M.G. Smith*. Published in Journal of Sound and Vibration, 394, 280-308. (doi:10.1016/j.jsv.2017.01.028)
- Estimation of track parameters and wheel–rail combined roughness from rail vibration ↗ Qi Li, David J Thompson and Martin G R Toward*. April 2017. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part F Journal of Rail and Rapid Transit 232(4) 1149-1167.
- Distributed optical fibre acoustic sensors – future applications in audio and acoustics engineering. P Golacki*, A Masoudi, K R Holland and T P Newson. Proceedings of the Institute of Acoustics (Reproduced Sound) 38(2) 2016 (pdf 415 KB)
- Is the infant car seat challenge useful? A pilot study in a simulated moving vehicle. ↗ Renu Arya, Georgina Williams, Anna Kilonback, Martin Toward*, Michael Griffin, Peter S Blair, Peter Fleming. Arch Dis Child Fetal Neonatal Ed 2016;0:F1–F6. doi:10.1136/archdischild-2016-310730. ( pdf)
- Assessing noise and vibration in buildings using finite element modelling: understanding the factors influencing predictions. C Karatsovis* and D Lurcock* Proceedings of the Institute of Acoustics 38(1) 2016, 280-287 (pdf 1.11 MB)
- Application of numerical modelling methods to the design of silencers. E Quaranta* and S Roberts*, Proceedings of the Institute of Acoustics 38(1) 2016, 317-326 (pdf 2.63 MB)
- Numerical modelling in acoustics, dynamics and vibroacoustics. M G Smith*, Proceedings of the Institute of Acoustics 38(1) 2016, 263-271 (pdf 475 kB)
- Factors affecting sound exposure from firing an SA80 high-velocity rifle (accepted manuscript). G S Paddan and M C Lower*, as published in Applied Acoustics Volume 109, August 2016, Pages 61–68. (pdf) doi:10.1016/j.apacoust.2016.02.003. ↗.
- Acoustic design of lightweight cabin walls for cruise ships. ↗ A Treviso* and M G Smith*. Proceedings of ISMA2016 including USD2016, 1767 -1778. (pdf)
- A Baseline for the Assessment of Noise-Induced Hearing Loss: Contrasting thresholds-by-age for otologically normal persons and typical persons. B W Lawton*. ISVR Technical Report No. 338 March 2016. (pdf 1130KB)
- Anechoic wind tunnel tests on high-speed train bogie aerodynamic noise (Accepted manuscript). ↗ E Latorre Iglesias, D Thompson, M Smith*, T Kitagawa, and N Yamazaki. (2016) International Journal of Rail Transportation, 1-23. (doi:10.1080/23248378.2016.1274685).
- Reducing railway-induced ground-borne vibration by using open trenches and soft-filled barriers (Accepted manuscript). ↗ D J Thompson, J Jiang, M G R Toward*, M F M Hussein, E Ntotsios, A Dijckmans, P Coulier, G Lombaert, G Degrande. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 88, 45-49. (doi:10.1016/j.soildyn.2016.05.009).
- Mitigation of railway induced ground vibration by heavy masses next to the track (Accepted manuscript). A Dijckmans, P Coulier, J Jiang, M G R Toward*, D J Thompson, G Degrande, G Lombaert. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering Volume 75, August 2015, Pages 158–170.
- Experimental validation of a numerical model for the ground vibration from trains in tunnels. ↗ Qiyun Jin; David Thompson; Daniel Lurcock*; Martin Toward*; Evangelos Ntotsios; Samuel Koroma. Euronoise 2015, The 10th European Congress and Exposition on Noise Control Engineering, Maastricht.
- The effect of temperature on railway rolling noise (Accepted manuscript) ↗ Giacomo Squicciarini, David J Thompson, Martin G R Toward*, R A Cottrell. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part F: Journal of Rail and Rapid Transit. 2015.
- Variability of the threshold of hearing: Its importance in cases of Noise-induced Hearing Loss ↗ B.W. Lawton* ISVR Technical Report No: 336, April 2015
- Reducing freight wagon noise at the source. Martin Toward*, Giacomo Squicciarini, David Thompson. International Railway Journal, March 2015, pp 47-49. Reprinted with permission. (pdf) The full journal is available on subscription from the IRJ website ↗.
- Acoustic optimisation of a fan test rig. Erika Quaranta* and Malcolm Smith*. Presentation given at the FFT Acoustic Simulation Conference/Actran Users’ Meeting, 15-16 October 2014, Brussels, Belgium. (pdf 730 kB)
- The influence of soil conditions on railway induced ground-borne vibration and relevant mitigation measures. ↗ J Jiang, M G R Toward*, A Dijckmans, D J Thompson, G Degrande, G Lombaert. The 21st International Congress on Sound and Vibration; 13-17 July 2014, Beijing, China. (pdf)
- Mitigation of railway induced vibration by using subgrade stiffening and wave impeding blocks ↗ M G R Toward*, J Jiang, A Dijckmans, P Coulier, D J Thompson, G Degrande, G Lombaert. Proceedings of the 9th International Conference On Structural Dynamics, EURODYN 2014; 30 June – 2 July 2014, Porto, Portugal. (pdf)
- Mitigation of railway induced vibrations by using heavy masses next to the track. ↗ A Dijckmans, P Coulier, J Jiang, M G R Toward*, G Degrande, G Lombaert, D J Thompson. Proceedings of the 9th International Conference On Structural Dynamics, EURODYN 2014; 30 June – 2 July 2014, Porto, Portugal. ( pdf)
- Track and trackside – Damping down noise. A case study of the effects of a track renewal on train noise. Martin Toward*, Giacomo Squicciarini and David Thompson ( pdf). Reprinted with permission from Rail Professional ↗ pp 83 and 85, Issue 199, February 2014.
- Estimating the performance of rail dampers using laboratory methods and software predictions. M G R Toward*, G Squicciarini, D J Thompson and Y Gao (pdf) (Author-created version (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0) ↗ of a paper given at the 11th International Workshop on Railway Noise, 9-13 September 2013 at Uddevalla in Sweden.) (pdf)
- Exposure limits for airborne sound of very high frequency and ultrasonic frequency. B W Lawton*, ISVR Technical Report No: 334, April 2013. (pdf 120 KB)
- Laboratory methods for testing the performance of acoustic rail dampers ↗ M Toward* and D J Thompson. Proceedings of the Acoustics 2012 Conference, Nantes, 3739-3744, 23-27 April 2012 (pdf)
Assessment of the efficiency of rail dampers using laboratory methods within the STARDAMP project. Helmut Venghaus, David J Thompson, Martin Toward*, Detlef Bumke, Paul Kitson, Bernd Asmussen, Maria Starnberg. March 2012. 38th German Annual Conference on Acoustics (DAGA).
- Rising to the challenge of a ‘Buy Quiet’ campaign. Malcolm Smith*, reprinted from AWE International, September 2011, with kind permission from Bay Publishing ↗ (pdf 3.4 MB)
- Prediction methodologies for vibration and structure-borne noise. Malcolm Smith*. Invited plenary paper presented at the Alberta Acoustics and Noise Association Spring Conference, Banff, Canada, May 2011 (pdf 250 kB)
- Design issues for micro-generation equipment installed in houses. M G Smith*, reprinted from Proceedings of the Institute of Acoustics, Vol.33, Pt. 1, 2011 (pdf 63KB)
- Instrument for soundscape recognition, identification and evaluation (ISRIE): technology and practical uses. Oliver Bunting, Jon Stammers and David Chesmore (University of York); Omar Bouzid Gui Yun Tian (University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne); Christos Karatsovis* and Stuart Dyne* (ISVR Consulting, University of Southampton). Presented at EURONOISE 2009, October 26-28, Edinburgh, Scotland. (pdf)
- Instrument for soundscape recognition, identification and evaluation (ISRIE): technology and practical uses. C Karatsovis* and S J C Dyne*, reprinted from Proceedings of the Institute of Acoustics, Vol.30, Pt. 2, 602-608, 2008 (pdf 63 kB)
- Time domain measurement of sound power output from a vacuum facility. Brown, K T* and Smith, M G* Proceedings of the Institute of Acoustics, Autumn Conference, Oxford, UK, 17-18 October 2007, 29(5), 7pp. (pdf 180KB)
- Noise source identification using microphone arrays. M G Smith*, K B Kim and D J Thompson reprinted from Proceedings of the Institute of Acoustics Vol. 29. Pt. 5 2007 (pdf 450 kB)
- Reducing noise from an oil refinery catalytic distillation column R D Rawlinson*, J Alberola, P F Joseph, and M G Smith*. Noise Control Engineering Journal, 54 (6), Nov-Dec 2006. reprinted with permission (pdf 5281KB).
- Attenuation of slat trailing edge noise using acoustic liners. ↗ Z Ma, M G Smith*, S K Richards, X Zhang. International Journal of Aeroacoustics, Vol 5 No. 4: 311-333, 2006.
- Sound power measurements for hot exhaust stacks. R David Rawlinson and Philip F Joseph. Paper 448 Proceedings of Internoise 2006 Honolulu, Hawaii. (pdf file)
- Reducing noise from an oil refinery cat cracker R D Rawlinson, J Alberola and P Joseph. Paper No 2103. Proceedings of Internoise 2005 Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. (pdf file)
- Localizable sound and its application in guiding passengers towards exits during aircraft evacuations. ↗ Mike Lower*, Alison M Kay, Lauren J Thomas, and Helen C Muir (2004) The Fourth Triennial International Aircraft Fire and Cabin Safety Research Conference, Lisbon, Portugal. 15 – 18 Nov 2004. 14 pp (pdf file 272 KB)
- Variation of young normal hearing thresholds measured using various patterns of audiometric earphone: Implications for the acoustic coupler
and the ear simulator (artificial ear). B W Lawton*, Report 6824 R03, ISVR Consultancy Services, University of Southampton. September 2004. (pdf file). - CVR Recordings of Explosions and Structural Failure Decompressions. Stuart Dyne*. This paper was presented at the ISASI 2003 Seminar in Washington DC, USA, in August 2003. An abridged version of this paper was published under the title “Weakness of CVR recordings” in ISASI Forum, 37(1) 20-23, International Society of Air Safety Investigators, 2004. (pdf file, 275 kB)
- Audiometric findings in call centre workers exposed to acoustic shock, by B W Lawton*, reprinted from Proceedings of the Institute of Acoustics, 2003 with permission ( pdf file, 100 KB).
- Background information on Head and Torso Simulators and relevant standards. M C Lower*, September 2003 (pdf file).
- A Concise Vocabulary of Audiology and allied topics Part 1: Vocabulary, Part 2; Abbreviations. B W Lawton* and D W Robinson, ISVR University of Southampton. (pdf).
- Reducing Noise from Forges and Foundries – The Handbook of the Black Country Forging and Foundry Project. by R A Davis* (Searchable pdf scanned from paper copy 11 MB) Accompanying video (on YouTube).↗
- Hearing loss on the flight deck – origin and remedy ↗ M Bagshaw and M C Lower*, 2002; The Aeronautical Journal, 106(1059), 277-289. (Abstract available to all, full paper available to registered visitors to the publisher’s website.)
- Damage to human hearing by airborne sound of very high frequency or ultrasonic frequency. ↗ B.W Lawton*. Contract Research Report 343/2001. Health and Safety Executive. ISBN 0 7176 2019 0.
- A noise exposure threshold value for hearing conservation. B W Lawton*. CONCAWE Report 01/52, 2001.
- The 75 dB(A) threshold level of the physical agents directive: a flawed evolution. ↗ B W Lawton*. Proceedings of the Institute of Acoustics Vol 22, Part 5, 2000.
- Typical Hearing Thresholds: a Baseline for the Assessment of Noise-Induced Hearing Loss. B W Lawton*, ISVR Technical Report 272, 1998 (pdf 1.3 MB)
- Prediction method for aerodynamic noise from landing gears. ↗ M.G. Smith* and L.C. Chow. AIAA paper 98-2228 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics 1998. (pdf 342 KB).
- Noise from toys and its effect on hearing, M C Lower*, B W Lawton*, R A Davis* and M E Lutman. Report No. 5403 R02. ISVR Consultancy Services, University of Southampton, for the Department of Trade and Industry. DTI Ref: C/CSU/4745. URN 97/944. (pdf file).
- Noise measurements in windy conditions. R A Davis* and M C Lower*, Report ETSU W/13/00386/REP for the Energy Technology Support Unit, 1996 (published version of ISVR Consultancy Services report R04 4748).
- Noise transmission through payload fairings: an investigation of the sensitivity to point mass loading. ↗ N.S. Ferguson, J.N. Pinder*, F.J. Fahy and P. Gardonio. In Spacecraft Structures, Materials and Mechanical Engineering, Proceedings of the Conference held by ESA, CNES and DARA in Noordwijk, 27-29 March 227–235, 1996. Edited by W.R. Burke. ESA SP-386. Paris: European Space Agency.
- Validation of an SEA model of the Olympus satellite. M.G.Smith. Presented at the European Space Agency conference on Spacecraft Structures, Materials and Mechanical Testing, Noordwijk, 1996.
- Noise levels and noise reduction under motorcyclists’ helmets. M C Lower*, D W Hurst and A Thomas, 979 – 982, Proceedings of Internoise 96 (pdf)
- Noise levels and communications on the flight decks of civil aircraft. M C Lower* and M Bagshaw, 349 – 352, Proceedings of Internoise 96 (pdf)
- Sources and levels of noise under motorcyclists’ helmets. M C Lower*, D W Hurst, A R Claughton and A Thomas, reprinted from Proceedings of the Institute of Acoustics, 1994. (pdf file, 530 kB)
- Spacecraft vibrations due to mechanisms; measurements from Olympus on-station. N S Ferguson, J N Pinder* and D E L Tunbridge. Proceedings of the Fifth European Space Mechanisms and Tribology Symposium, 221-227. ESTEC Noordwijk, The Netherlands, 28-30 October 1992. ESA SP-334 April 1993.
- Aircraft evacuations: the effect of a cabin water spray system upon evacuation rates and behaviour.. D M Bottomley, H C Muir and M C Lower* CAA Paper 93008. Civil Aviation Authority, London. 1993. (pdf file 37 MB)
- Method for assessing noise reduction provided by cylinders. ↗ J.N. Pinder* and F.J. Fahy. Proceedings of the Institute of Acoustics 15 part 3 (1993) 195-205. (pdf 536 KB)
- Headphones and the Noise at Work Regulations. M C Lower*. Reprinted with permission from Health and Safety at Work, April 1992 p33. (pdf file, 675 kB)
- Design and installation of a sound system to aid passenger evacuation from aircraft. M.C. Lower*, R.D. Patterson, I.T. Patten* and R. Milroy, CAA Paper 92001. Civil Aviation Authority, London. 1992 (pdf 4 MB)
- Perspectives on normal and near-normal hearing. B W Lawton*. ISVR Technical Report No 200. October 1991 (pdf)
- Sound levels for the British Rail Inductive Loop Warning System. M C Lower, R D Patterson, P Cosgrove and R Milroy. Proceedings of the Institute of Acoustics, 11(5), 43-50, 1989. (pdf file, 492 kB)
- Auditory warnings for the British Rail Inductive Loop Warning System. R D Patterson, P Cosgrove, R Milroy and M C Lower*. Proceedings of the Institute of Acoustics, 11(5), 51-58, 1989. (pdf file, 574 kB)
- Modelling of auditory masked thresholds in humans. G M Rood, R D Patterson and M C Lower* pp151–168 in Applications of Human Performance Models to System Design. G R McMillan, D Beevis, E Salas, M H Strub, R Sutton, L van Breda (editors) (Proceedings of a NATO Research Study Group 9 (DRG, Panel 8) Workshop on Applications of Human Performance Models to System Design, held May 9-13, 1988, in Orlando, Florida.) Extract from https://apps.dtic.mil/sti/pdfs/ADA215322.pdf ↗
- The design and production of auditory warnings for helicopters: The Sea King. M C Lower*, P D Wheeler*, R D Patterson, J Edworthy, M J Shailer, R Milroy, G M Rood and J A Chillery. Report AC527A, Institute of Sound and Vibration Research, University of Southampton. October 1986. (pdf 5.5 MB)
- Alarm sounds for medical equipment in intensive care areas and operating theatres. ↗ Roy D. Patterson, Judy Edworthy and Michael J. Shailer (MRC Applied Psychology Unit) and Michael C. Lower* and Peter D. Wheeler* (ISVR). Report AC598, ISVR Consultancy Services, University of Southampton, 1986. (This online version has been remastered from a paper copy by the Department of Physiology, Development and Neuroscience, University of Cambridge.) (pdf)
- Specifying the sound levels for auditory warnings in noisy environments. (Accepted manuscript) M.C.Lower* and P.D Wheeler*, in Ergonomics International ’85, 226-228, editors I.D. Brown et al, Taylor and Francis, London. ISBN 0 85066 300 8 (1985).
- Industrial deafness. A review of the information available to the ordinary reasonable and prudent employer prior to 1972. W I Acton*, Report from the Wolfson Unit for Noise and Vibration Control (now ISVR Consulting), University of Southampton, 1981. (pdf file, 12 MB)
- An active noise reduction system for aircrew helmets — flight trials in strike aircraft. ↗ P.D. Wheeler* and S.G. Halliday. Proceedings of the Institute of Acoustics 3, 5-8, 1981 (pdf, 152 KB)
- An active noise reduction system for aircrew helmets. ↗ P.D. Wheeler*, R.D. Rawlinson*, S.F. Pelc and A.P. Dorey. Paper 29 545-550 in Helicopter Acoustics, NASA Langley Research Center, May 22-24 (1978).
Some useful links to documents from other sources:
- The Control of Noise at Work Regulations 2005 ↗ Statutory Instrument 2005 No 1643 (pdf)
- European Directive 2003/10/EC ↗ on the minimum health and safety requirements regarding the exposure of workers to the risks arising from physical agents (noise) (The Physical Agents (Noise) Directive) (pdf file).
- The Control of Vibration at Work Regulations 2005, ↗ Statutory Instrument 2005 No 1093 (pdf).
- European Directive 2002/44/EC ↗ on the minimum health and safety requirements regarding the exposure of workers to the risks arising from physical agents (vibration) (The Physical Agents (Vibration) Directive) (pdf file).
- The Noise at Work Regulations 1989 ↗ Statutory Instrument 1989 No 1790 (html file).
- European Directive 86/188/EEC ↗ on the protection of workers from the risks related to exposure to noise at work (pdf).
ISVR Consulting has no responsibility for the content of these documents from other sources.