We have the knowledge, experience and high-spec equipment to provide a comprehensive range of services related to measuring, modelling and controlling railway noise and vibration.
Rolling noise
We regularly undertake measurements of wheel and rail roughness and track decay rates. These are used as inputs in our prediction model when conducting rolling noise investigations for clients. Our work on wheel and track dampers has led to huge advances towards quieter railways.
Source localisation
With support of an industrial partner, we have developed a large-scale 4m diameter array with nearly 100 microphones. This has been optimised for use near railways, and enables us to identify the specific areas of a train that are causing the most noise, thereby helping manufacturers to design quieter trains.
Prediction software
With our academic colleagues we have developed several in-house software packages that we can use to predict rolling noise, total pass-by noise, ground-borne noise and vibration from surface track and tunnels, plus structure-borne noise from raised structures such as bridges and viaducts.
Interior noise
We can help with internal aspects of train noise and vibration, including active noise control as well as testing and development of seat designs.
We are at the forefront of noise and vibration research in the railway industry. With academic partners from the ISVR Dynamics Group and the Civil Engineering department, we lead and participate in national and international research projects. We also support PhD researchers with measurements and analysis.